What is ELDOA?

ELDOA is a French acronym translated into English, LOADS:

Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretch.

ELDOA is a revolutionary approach to relieving back pain and improving overall spinal health. Created by French Osteopath Guy VOYER, this technique aims to decompress and create space within the joints affected by pain or injury.

ELDOA is a French acronym translated into English, LOADS: Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretch. Great, but what do all those fancy words actually mean? Starting in the 70s, back pain became the pain of the world, and french Osteopath Guy VOYER, DO, was determined to heal the cause, not just mask the pain. VOYER spent ten years studying and taking different seminars on back pain. Then in the ’80s, VOYER began an intense study of biomechanics in a new way- through tensegrity- introduced by Buckminster Fuller.

And what does that mean for you? Well, think of ELDOA as a way to unlock your body's potential for healing and restoring balance. By practicing specific exercises, you can target and gently stretch the precise area of your spine that needs attention.

The magic of ELDOA doesn't stop there. As VOYER discovered, these targeted exercises not only alleviate back pain but also have positive effects on other aspects of your well-being. By improving the function of your spinal cord, ELDOA can even have a positive impact on organs and nerves connected to your spine.

So what can ELDOA do for you?

Here are some of the benefits:

More space between your vertebrae: ELDOA exercises help create space and relieve compression, promoting better spinal alignment.

Improved intervertebral disc health: By decompressing the spine, ELDOA can reduce pressure on the spinal discs and support their hydration and health.

Enhanced joint mechanics: ELDOA exercises improve the proprioception (awareness) of your spinal joints, leading to better movement and joint function.

Better posture: With regular ELDOA practice, you can develop better postural alignment, which looks not only great but also supports overall spine health.

Increased muscle tone: ELDOA engages and strengthens the muscles surrounding your spine, helping to stabilize and support your back.